February 15, 2002

'Mud pack: the war-profiteer-in-chief' - another great article by Chris Floyd:

"George W. Bush's teleprompter reading of his word-massagers' "Axis of Evil" speech last week certainly was a ring-tailed wonder. While those supine sentinels of truth, the American media, strained their tiny little brains to find apt comparisons for Bush's rhetorical greatness - some likened him to Churchill, others to Teddy Roosevelt; one even thought Bush surpassed Julius Caesar - the rest of the world sat slackjawed in amazement at the farrago of undiluted leavings issuing from the Oval orifice.

"Those with even the slightest acquaintance with history were scratching their heads at Bush's yoking of Iran, Iraq and North Korea in an unholy pact to destroy America. Surely there must be some mistake, they said. Surely there'd been a squiggle on the screen, and Bush had simply misread the lines that had been written for him. Perhaps he meant to say "taxis of evil," referring to the devilish problems of urban transport in America's cities. Or maybe even "Texas boll weevil," naming a threat to the American "heartland" much more real and immediate than the imaginary gizmos of his chosen dastards." {snip!}

"Why mince words? Bush is a war profiteer on a vast, historic scale, a man with only one animating principle: the aggrandizement of his own pampered self and his elitist clique. This greed compromises every action taken by his regime - because they all result in profits for his gang. Another example: Bush puts U.S. bases in Central Asia; Dick Cheney's Halliburton gets the construction contracts; Daddy's Carlyle Group supplies the weaponry; Dub's buds in the oil bidness get protection for their new pipelines

Ohhhhhh man! Good for him he's writing from Moscow (insert irony here). More refreshing honesty at SmirkingChimp.com. And send this man a fan letter.

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