October 30, 2003

"First, this number (7.2 percent annual GDP growth rate in the third quarter) sounds too good to be true. Of course, it comes from the Commerce Department, which is part of the Executive Branch reporting to the Bush Administration. Given Bush's track record with veracity and facts, you have to wonder if there is some creative accounting going on that will be quietly revised in a couple of weeks.

"Remember, this is the same administration that told the EPA to lie about air quality around the WTC and redact their reports about global warming, the same administration that is censoring 9/11 intelligence investigations, the same administration that is stonewalling the Justice Department on energy industry sweetheart deals and intelligence leaks, the same administration that played loose with the facts justifing war with Iraq and is now spinning the situation over there, and so on.

"Second, where are the jobs?" - - props to SK Bubba.

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