January 27, 2006

"Truth no longer matters"
Cable news programs hurting America

"Truth no longer matters in the context of politics and, sadly, in the context of cable news," said Aaron Brown, former anchor at CNN. "Any criticism of the administration is regarded as hatred of the president and hatred of the country itself," he said.

Important issues, such as the prosecution of the war in Iraq at home and abroad, are being clouded over by "mud-wrestling" that skirts substance, he said. Consider what he called "the swift-boating of John Murtha," the Democratic congressman whose war record was smeared when he called for an exit strategy in Iraq. "Cable didn't search for the truth, but engaged in mock debates pitting those making the charges against Murtha's defenders," he said.

Whores. Selling their professional integrity for the next little bit of attention, a cute nickname, a hot beef injection from the White House.

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