May 22, 2006

Attorney Gen: your ass is mine, traitors
Continuing to use 'national security' as an excuse for their criminal and un-American activities, Attorney General Albuto Ghraibzales said Sunday that not only will the government not hesitate to track telephone calls made by reporters as part of a criminal leak investigation, but that journalists can be prosecuted for publishing classified information.

"I can't imagine a bigger chill on free speech and the public's right to know what it's government is up to - both hallmarks of a democracy - than prosecuting reporters," Lucy Dalglish, executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, said.

‘It makes me feel as if we are drug dealers or terrorists,’ ABC’s chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross said this weekend.

Gee. I don't know who's worse... Maybe if the press had spoken out a few years ago we wouldn't find ourselves in this situation right now, hmmmmmmmm?

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