December 27, 2007


'Is it a civil rights milestone to have a retarded president? The first president who is so visibly stupid he can say "I didn't know what was in the National Intelligence Estimate until last week" and sound plausible. ' ... the 50 Most Loathsome People in America for 2007. Word.


Anonymous said...

FYI, dis kitteh NAWT Dickhed's. Dis kitteh wuz reecent spokeskitteh wut saiz: "i R uh Recuvvring Retardlicat. i benz sobr frum teh duhdikshun 2 krewl corpRAT greed N impeerlust sikosiss since teh RoveTURD left the Shite House.
Pwaiz GAIA!

Anonymous said...

That article of the 50 worst is actually pretty good reading. The part about "you" is sadly true. Phred Phelps came in third behind Chaney and Bust. About right...

Anonymous said...

Chainy and Bust????

that's good!