April 22, 2008

Where's George the media?

Still humping Mr 28% Approval Rating's jizz-encrusted pants leg.

"So what ever happened to [Retard McJebus], the worst chief executive this nation has ever endured? This is an election year. Aren't we supposed to be evaluating the legacy of the previous administration?

"In this case, we have a man whose approval ratings are subterranean. Who's sunk us into an endless war based on impeachable lies. Who's dragged our national honor into the toxic mud. Who's brought us to the brink of depression. Who's dropped the dollar into the toilet. Who wants more subsidies for terror-target nuke reactors and more tax breaks for CO2-spewing oil barons.

"Who screams 'Terror! Terror! Terror!' at every possible moment, but lets Osama bin Laden run free.

"What would Limbaugh, O'Reilly and the rest of the corporate bloviators be screaming today if a Democrat had hosted the 9/11 attacks and then let their perpetrator roam the world without capture for more than six years?"

-- Harvey Wasserman. More here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

unfucking believeablly hilarious