December 22, 2008

No, Really, and I Apologize, buttFuck You!

As the destruction of the middle class continues, let's just Destroy What the UAW Built:

The UAW not only built the American middle class but helped engender every movement at the center of American liberalism today -- which is one reason that conservatives have always held the union in particular disdain.
Over the past several weeks, it has become clear that the Republican right hates the UAW so much that it would prefer to plunge the nation into a depression rather than craft a bridge loan that doesn't single out the auto industry's unionized workers for punishment. (As manufacturing consultant Michael Wessel pointed out, no Republican demanded that Big Three executives have their pay permanently reduced to the relatively spartan levels of Japanese auto executives' pay.)
How much would Bubba and Joe-Bob be making while working Hyndai, Toyota/ whothefuckingeversaki foreign automaker be making if it weren't for the anti-capitalism, anti free market UAfuckingW? About 10 bucks an hour, working as a temp. Without bennies. Of course, it wouldn't last......some guy named Hoolio down by the school yard would end up taking his job for 5 bucks an hour.

Let's get real. The executives helped cause the present meltdown. The UAW did not.
Fun fact: $28 an hour would just about be the right amount for one parent to make while the other stays home and raises the kids, like my parents were able to.

25 million a year for the CEO is ok?
Jebus Hussein Christ.
The last action of a dying empire is to loot the treasury.


Fixer said...

Wages and benefits make up only 10% of the "Big 3's" operating expenses. Get rid of GM's fleet of corporate jets to start with.

Capt. Bat Guano said...

Can we give these fuckers the Il Duce treatment now?

Undeniable Liberal said...

Republifucks beleive that labor costs are bad for corporate profitability.
How can they get all that lobbyist cash if corporations actually have to pay their workers?

Anonymous said...

and to the correct and accurate point with precision and some added "toute suite"!!!
we need YOU in congress splainin' these looser lucys the facts, just the plain fucked up facts!