October 29, 2009

Honoring our troops

The picture accompanying this article shows two things you would never have been able to see in the last administration: One is the coffin of a fallen US soldier returning to the US, the other is a president saluting his casket.

The dramatic image of a president on the tarmac was a portrait not witnessed in years. Former pResident Cap’n Cowpat said the appropriate way to show his respect for war's cost was to order Texas take-out, drink heavier than usual, and play Pokemon until dawn, but he never went to Dover AFB to meet remains coming off the cargo plane. Fucker.


big em said...

Yeah, W probably figured he had 'done his part' by STARTING two fucking wars as part of his post-9/11 over-reaction (after 'falling asleep on his watch' pre-9/11).

siri said...

boyo, big em, you got THAT right!!! This is a moving photo and watching the footage of this event brought tears. It's A GOOD THING to feel that our president actually might CARE about us, isn't it???!

Grung_e_Gene said...

What? We should blame Bush for starting wars and ignoring the dead and wounded and returning veterans??? LOL

Bush is merely a Republicans and Republicans hate America, Americans and Veterans and want them to die to for the further glory for the Republican party.

Anonymous said...

Enough! Lay off George W. Bush!

After all, he gave up golf in "solidarity" with the families of soldiers he sent to be killed or maimed. What more do you want from him?